We are socially-engaged. Our work is collaborative & participatory.
Play > Test > Repeat. We tinker & hack, build & pull apart.
We are critical makers. Our work is enquiry led and site responsive.
Enquiry First
What does the project make us think about? What are we hoping to explore? Who are we going to go on that journey with?
We love technology. We really do. And we have lots of it:
PCs, Macs, Arduinos of all shapes and sizes, Raspberry Pis, Makey Makeys, Kinects, projectors, screens, GPS devices, tablets, mobile devices, quadcopters, Nintendo Wii controllers, joysticks, arcade machines, vinyl cutters, soldering irons, the list goes on…
The point is, we would never start a project as an excuse to play with a new toy. We start with a question, a problem, a provocation then try to pick the most appropriate tools for the job.
So what is this ‘postdigital’ we keep going on about?
It simply means that as artists, we are fundamentally more interested in the human than the digital. We are curious, critical makers, inspired by people and places, not machines.
“One of the things our grandchildren will find quaintest about us is that we distinguish the digital from the real, the virtual from the real.”
William Gibson (2007)
“Digital art and culture mustn’t get caught up in the tools of its making or it will never transport us somewhere new… digital culture cannot simply be a label for culture made on a computer – everything is made on a computer.”
Tom Uglow (2014)
“More poems less demos”
Zach Lieberman (2013)